Pope offers a wide range of drip watering products, each has its own unique features and uses. No matter what you use, all drip watering systems work by releasing water slowly at targeted areas of the garden.

Drip Irrigation is a method of applying moisture directly to the desired plants and their root system. Water is distributed slowly and accurately, reducing water loss from wind or evaporation and minimising moisture wasted on weeds, unplanted areas or runoff.  Drip irrigation ensures less overwatering or underwatering with the versatility to be used on flat terrain or sloping landscapes and easy to accommodate new planting areas.

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Easy clean and Precision drippers


• Plants spaced randomly apart.
• Targeted and efficient watering at each plant’s root zone.
• Pots or hanging baskets.
• Areas with low water pressure.
• Easy to take apart and clean.


• Non-mains water tank connections.
• Non-Potable water.

Easy Clean Drippers:

Easy Clean Drippers connect straight into 13mm poly tube or can be used with 4mm poly tube to get right to the base of the plant.

• Ideal where plants are spaced randomly.
• Available in 2, 4 and 8 litres per hour drippers.
• Can be easily taken apart for cleaning.
• Use when plants have similar watering needs.

Precision Drippers:

Precision Drippers connect straight into 13mm poly tube or Drip Eze and can be used with 4mm poly tube.

• They are suitable for sloping garden areas or to be covered in the mulch.
• They also inhibit insects from entering and blocking the dripper.
• Available in per hour drippers.
• Can be easily taken apart for cleaning.
• Use when plants have similar watering needs.

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Variable flow drippers & tricklers


• Connecting poly pipe.
• Plants with different watering needs.
• Pots or hanging basket.
• Garden beds and borders.
• Hedges, shrubs, bushes and trees.
• Low water pressure.


• Sloping garden areas – Non-mains water tank connections.
• Covering with mulch – Non-potable water.

Variable Flow Drippers:

Offer variable water flow and a smaller coverage area than tricklers.

• Can be placed directly into 13mm poly pipe or used with 4mm poly pipe.
• Ideal for use with plants that have different watering needs.

Veri-Flow Dripper adjusts from 0-60 litres per hour.



Variable Flow Tricklers:

Tricklers – Offer variable water flow and wider area coverage than drippers.

• Can be placed directly into 13mm poly pipe or used with 4mm poly pipe.
• Ideal for use with plants that have different watering needs.

Tricklers On Spike – Offer variable water flow and wider coverage area.

• Use with 4mm poly pipe when the flow of water needs to be elevated.

Veri flow and adjustable flow tricklers available


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Jet, fixed & adjustable sprays

Sprays, mini sprinklers and mini spinners offer different spray patterns and diameters of throw.

It is important to select a spray type with a diameter of throw that suits your garden’s needs. Where you have plants that require different amounts of water, select a variable flow spray or use an in-line tap to adjust the flow.

The key difference between types of sprays, is that some will emit a fan of water (such as the jet spray), whereas others will emit thin streams of water (such as the MicroJet).

Jet & Fixed Spray

Spray type emitters are ideal where full water coverage of an area is required, or for localised watering of trees, shrubs and ground cover.

• They can be connected straight into poly pipe or mounted on a rigid riser. ¼, ½ and full circle spray patterns are available.
• Suits watering where plants are the same or require the same amounts of water.
• Can be quarter, half or full circle sprays.
• Mist and strip sprays also available.
• Spinners are full circle only.

MicroJet & Adjustable Spray

• These adjust the amount of water emitted from the spray.
• Suits watering where plants require different amounts of water.
• Quarter, half or full circle.

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Drip Eze®


• All soil types including sandy, loamy and clay soils.
• Areas up to 50m long.
• Can be covered with mulch.
• Low water pressure.
• Vegetable or herb gardens.


• Non mains water tank connections/non-potable water.
• Slopes.
• Pots or hanging baskets.

Drip Eze®

13mm can be connected to a tap or used with poly tube and is most suitable for garden beds, hedges, nature strips and vegetable gardens.

4mm works with poly pipe or 13mm Drip Eze and is most suitable for being looped around trees and shrubs to run from existing poly tube, or if replacing spray jets.

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Water weeper®


• Connection to a garden hose.
• All soil types including sandy, loamy and clay soils.
• Garden beds, hedges and nature strips.
• Can be covered with mulch.
• Low water pressure.


• Non-mains water tank connections/non-potable water.
• Slopes.
• Pots or hanging baskets.
• Vegetable or herb gardens.

Water Weeper®

12mm connects directly into a garden hose or poly pipe. Emits water through tiny pores in the hose. Application rate varies depending on water pressure. Can be gently soaked through garden beds and borders.

4mm connects to 13mm poly pipe. Emits water through tiny pores in the hose. Application rate varies depending on water pressure. Ideal for looping around trees and shrubs.


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The Difference between Drippers and Tricklers

Drippers typically emit water at a very slow rate directly to the soil, which means there is very little water wastage. This means that drippers must run for a lot longer than sprays or tricklers, which emit water a lot faster. Use our drip calculator to determine how many drippers or tricklers you need for your garden.

  • Drippers water a concentrated area.
  • Place at root zone.
  • Low water use.
  • Tricklers water a wider area.
  • Place between plants.
  • Visible watering.

Find the right drip irrigation product for your garden

Drip Eze
Easy Clean Drippers
Precision Drippers
Water Weeper
Variable Flow Drippers
Tricklers On Spike

Watering trees, bushes, shrubs and hedges

Watering garden beds and borders

Watering pots and baskets

Watering vegetable and herb gardens

Watering under mulch

Watering on slopes
Sprays, mini sprinklers and mini spinners offer different spray patterns and diameters of throw.

It is important to select a spray type with a diameter of throw that suits your garden’s needs. Where you have plants that require different amounts of water, select a variable flow spray or use an in-line tap to adjust the flow.

The key difference between types of sprays, is that some will emit a fan of water (such as the jet spray), whereas others will emit thin streams of water (such as the MicroJet).

Jet Spray & Fixed Spray

•  Suits watering where plants are the same or require the same amounts of water.
•  Can be quarter, half or full circle sprays.
•  Mist and strip sprays also available.
•  Spinners are full circle only.

MicroJet & Adjustable Spray

•  These adjust the amount of water emitted from the spray.
•  Suits watering where plants require different amounts of water.
•  Quarter, half or full circle spray.


Use this table as a guide for watering your garden
Spray Pattern
Radius of Throw
Flow Rate
Droplet Size
Spray Jet Microjets™ Veri-flow®
Eze-Jet Mini Spinner Mini Sprinkler Waterbird VI
Sprinkler on Stake
1/4, 1/2 &
Full Circle
1/4, 1/2 &
Full Circle
1/4, 1/2 &
Full Circle
1/4, 1/2 &
Full Circle
Full Circle Full Circle Full Circle
1.0m 1.5m 1.5 - 2m 1.5m 1.5m 3.0m 3.45m
60 - 110 lph 40 lph 0 - 115 lph 40 lph 115 lph 35 lph 55 lph
Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Large Large

Asset 5

Calculating your flow rate

  • 1. Place a 9 litre bucket under your garden tap, and turn the tap on full boar.
  • 2. Using a stopwatch, time how long it takes the water to reach capacity.
  • 3. Enter your results in the fields below to calculate your flow rate:
How many seconds did it take to fill the bucket?
How many
seconds did
it take to fill
the bucket?
What size was your bucket?
What size
was your

(In litres)

Your flow rate:*


Litres per minute
*The calculator takes off 20% to allow for friction loss in the irrigation system

Step by step

Use this tool to create a shopping list for your garden irrigation system.

Water Source
Source Connection
System Connection
Source to system fittings
System Protection
Layout Fittings
Offtake Fittings
Emission Devices
See shopping list

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